
Farey is motivated by the beauty in the mundane. Her art practice unites a complex range of often contradictory references from her life and experiences. Her artistic perspectives are informed by many years spent living abroad in China, the United States and Australia as a third culture kid. Her work draws together elements of western and eastern cultures and cross cultural communication with a focus on personal narratives inspired by her family history and their shared experiences. She brings together elements of traditional and modern calligraphy, text and drawing to provide insight into the intimacies of her experiences. A keen observer of the world and her relationship with it, Farey finds beauty in the ordinary. Her subjects and objects are captured in moments untethered by context, as she attempts to reframe them to provide new ways of appreciating and understanding them.

Printmaking has become an intrinsic part of Farey’s creative process. Studying Printmaking and Drawing at the Australian National University has enabled her to develop her practice beyond its drawing-based beginnings. She is fascinated by the delicacy and strength of the medium and its unique reproductive nature. She is especially interested in the meticulous notions of drawing and mark-making in association with the intense labour of the etching tradition. Her passion for drawing sees that immense thought and care are put into every line made on the metal plate and paper, with the hope of producing tangible and meticulous forms of personal memory.