Sweet and Sour

Sweet and Sour was born in 2020 during the beginning of the first lockdown brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Deeply troubled by the rise in discrimination and xenophobia directed towards Asian Australians catalysed by the pandemic, I decided to start a creative zine focusing on sharing the experiences of Asian Australians at a time where many of us felt alone during this period of isolation. Since April of 2020, Sweet and Sour has grown beyond my initial vision for the zine. The initiative is now run by 11 volunteers in Canberra and Melbourne under my leadership with a broad readership and contributors across Australia. On top of publishing a quarterly physical publication that is free to all readers, Sweet and Sour also holds educational and creative workshops and events, and produces limited edition merchandise designed by Asian Australian creatives. We have formed meaningful connections with local, national and online communities and continue to collaborate on exciting projects with Asian Australian individuals and groups.


“Being Asian today in Australia is not easy. When more than one culture demands your allegiance, there is a bizarre sense of existing between multiple worlds, yet not fully belonging to either. We are international students, mixed-race individuals and second-generation immigrants; many of us belong to multiple cultural identities, and face issues relating to belonging, racism and identity. Sweet and Sour was conceived with the notion of creating a space for individuals and communities with Asian heritage in Australia to share our thoughts, experiences and creativity. Every word and illustration within our publication comes from an Asian creator, but is produced for everyone, no matter your race or culture.”