Food from home

Food from home is an intimate exploration into the importance and impact of food as a means of love and care. As we navigate this pandemic, and experience life through a confusing new lens, food always remains constant. Whether it’s cooking two minute noodles with a fried egg at 1am after a night out, or spending hours preparing fresh dumplings for family and friends, nourishing yourself and the ones around you with food is one of the deepest and purest forms of care.

In Food from home, Sydney Farey takes viewers on an affectionate journey in three parts; food for herself, food with family and food with friends. Unfiltered and unpretentious, in a mix of English and Mandarin, viewers get a glimpse into Farey’s life during the pandemic, and how we take solace in food during these chaotic times.

Filmed and produced by Sydney Farey.

Music by the ANU Classical Chinese Music Ensemble.

Thanks to Sam, Chenille, Sun, Apo, Aaron and Howard for sharing their food with me.